Required Forms
B. Safe Environment is required when pursuing (and must be renewed every 5 years):
a) VIRTUS certification (
b) Catechist, classroom volunteers
c) Homebound Eucharistic Minister
d) Youth Minister
C. Click HERE and follow instructions to:
a) Complete fingerprinting
b) AFTER receipt of clearance (notification by the Diocese of Venice) a link will be sent to your email for the video
c) Watch this Safe Environment Video
d) Pass quiz
e) Print your Certificate and bring a copy to the office for Donna to file, OR email to
Volunteer Ministry
A. Information required from ALL Volunteers:
1.Complete Volunteer Application (Diocese of Venice)
2. Read and Sign the four required Policy/Procedures below:
b) Code of Conduct for Volunteers
c) Attestation of Good Moral Character
d) Policy and Procedural Guidelines for Children and Vulnerable Adults
3. Email signed copies of the forms to or bring to office
4. You will receive a Volgistics PIN for use when arriving and leaving OLMM events for which you are volunteering
5. You will not be assigned as a VIRTUS approved volunteer until you have completed parts B and C below